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EDsnaps' FREE Summer Program
Our Program increases instantly your professional, academic & personal Value.
This increased Value strengthens your application(s) for a scholarship, financial support, college, vocational, certification or a job.
Collect your Materials:
Discover the power of EDsnaps through an efficient use of your cell phone. Use the Summer Program real-life Learning Experiences to collect story materials. We offer unique field trips, hands-on experiments and workshops while STEAMing through NYC.
Create your Story - Ask Questions:
How do a magician and an actor connect with the world of mathematics? What do a female electrical engineer and a female coder have in common? How does physics apply in Krav Maga? The Fashion world is craving for STEM trained students, why? Ask questions, receive answers and start creating your story.
Publish your Story:
Publish your story in the EDsnaps magazine. You are the owner of this publication. Share your publication with the world through any social medium. This Intellectual Property (IP) is a tangible product increasing your professional, personal and academic value instantly.
Other story materials can be used for essay writing for a scholarship, undergraduate program, certification program, or job application.


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